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working on flash

finally we decide to animating in flash because gonna saving a lot of time and dont need to draw frame by frame such as motion tween is a great tool in flash and bone tool

evaluation of my work

i'm very happy work with advert and vis communication students. All of us are working very hard and im very happy with the fianl result. we had great plan in the begining which sepreate each part of work to different that saving us a lot of time. For example, we got 4 animatiors in our group (inconclud me) and one of us doing background, another one doing coloring and rest of others doing reserch to help panters buliding setting. we spend a lot of time doing reserch for the color and characater design due to we can saving a lot of time for the rest of date to producing animation.

waht i have learn from this projet, is how to work in the group and negoneition with group members to solve the problem of our work, such as, we did group meeting each week to check each person work process and any problem need to solve out. also i have learn a lot of flsh skills during im doing my work in flash. For instance, bone tool i have never use it before but now i know how to used it. another important thing i have learn from this work how to orgnise layer togerther to make easy to find what i need.

hope we have more project like this that will be improve our team work skills.


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