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pre-production project for jewellery student

Jewellwery modeling task for Barry who from BCU Jewellery art and design school

here are some kind of jewelry pictures that barry like

I met up with Barry who from BCU jewellery design course as he work on jewellery production work and he want to find someone who can make 3D jewellery modeling in his products demo and also he want to use this demo to promotion his product. I really happy to help him because i am good at doing 3d modeling work stuff in maya, 3Dmax as well and I would love to try something new.

We exchanged emails and I had the task of researching and build some necklace and ring jewellery modeling that could be used in his demo work.

first thing i need to do, is research type of jwewllery that barry like
secondly, i need to do some observation to find out the geometry

here is some ring i found in google see below

He decide to make weeding ring in his project and he already finish his design.
see the final design below


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