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Helping Barry (pre-production)
I'm very happy work with barry who from BCU jewelry design school and i have learn a lot of knowledge of doing 3d modeling for jewelry that will help me doing some 3D prop set work in the future. and also i have learn how to communicate with client and how to negotiation with them. how to help with each other in the team work and figure out problem together.

commercial animation studio Research
I looking at some of fantastic comercial animation work from mindblender studio and get a lot inspiration and some 3d technic stuff that will be help me to do my e4 TV commercial work. I already know what kind of 3d software that industry popular use like maxrender is fantastic render software that render speed is faster than any other render software. also i want to try and learn.

Planning the next Project
I want to head with my next project, i have prepared to start my new commercial project for E4 TV program . i'm not only to doing project but also to review my technic skills. and i will take my area to through my 3rd year study in september.

E4 project detail:

We want you to take our logo and create an original brand sting that smacks of E4 attitude and can be played out on our E4 telly-channel – and we’re even giving out prizes for our favourites.

It can be live action, it can be animated, it can be 2D, 3D, 4D. It can be hi-fi, lo-fi, big-budget or no-budget. Simply download the E4 logo and a soundbed your choice and get going. The only rules we are cruelly forcing upon you are thusly –

  1. It HAS to be EXACTLY 10 seconds long. If it’s not 10 seconds long IT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED BY THE JUDGES. Sorry, but we’re feeling a bit strict this year. To make things easier we’re providing you with a choice of 10 second audio beds which you are welcome to use in your E Sting (but feel free to use something of your own if you prefer!)

  2. It HAS to have the E4 logo in it... But you probably knew that. (Preferably integratedinto the idea rather than simply slapped on top of your piece at the end).

blender software learning

layout of this program

blender is 3D software is free not like maya and other 3D software need to charge your using fees. I knew this software after i watch big buck bunny animation on youtube that is fantastic animation i have ever seen and i cant believe that animation made in blender.

this software is open resource 3d program that any 3d artist or 3d graphic fans can be contribute on blender and get update for this software. like animation elephant dream is open resource animation and get siggraphic awards
see the animation below:

blender can do good modeling work and also can do render , rigging stuff. The most powerful function is sculpture tool is like Zbursh. I'm going to learn this software and give it try hope one day i can doing my 3D work stuff in blender same as big buck bunny.
see the movie below:

some of my 3D modeling practice

i'm doing modeling practice in maya here are some of my modeling work at the moment

environment modeling

architecture modeling work

gun modeling

project process

production process:

drawing by barry
here is another ring design by Barry

final design :

i find some very popular software doing jewelry modeling such as, Rhino、 Matrix、JewelCAD、JewelSmith、ArtCAM、3Design、Digital Goldsmith Four、Free Form, ect

but i never use these software before,so i have two choice to make this modeling maya and 3dmax that i can use. however, in my computer no maya software only 3Dmax.
fianlly, i decide to use 3dmax to make this modeling

pre-production project for jewellery student

Jewellwery modeling task for Barry who from BCU Jewellery art and design school

here are some kind of jewelry pictures that barry like

I met up with Barry who from BCU jewellery design course as he work on jewellery production work and he want to find someone who can make 3D jewellery modeling in his products demo and also he want to use this demo to promotion his product. I really happy to help him because i am good at doing 3d modeling work stuff in maya, 3Dmax as well and I would love to try something new.

We exchanged emails and I had the task of researching and build some necklace and ring jewellery modeling that could be used in his demo work.

first thing i need to do, is research type of jwewllery that barry like
secondly, i need to do some observation to find out the geometry

here is some ring i found in google see below

He decide to make weeding ring in his project and he already finish his design.
see the final design below

pre-production for specialist study

Here are some animation commercial for cartoon net work made by Meindbender Animation Studio, which i'm area of practice influence by they are fantastic work and i wanna do thesame thing as they did.

The lastest commercial work made by Meindbender

character modeling and rigging of shot 'pirate'

here is they are old work

fantastic modeling and rigging

the modeling made by Meindbender Animation Studio

artoon network comercial

define AOP and audience analysis

Define my area of practice:
The use of 3D software such as Maya, Z-brush to to create beautiful and nature realistic modeling for film or Tv commercial

needed skills:
Knowledge of 3D what can be done through maya, photoshop, illustrator or AE ect. how to use these software help with each other

good model making skills in maya
good drawing skills
sculpture skills

Analysis of target audience:
The type of people who enjoy 3D technique
Who want to find out between the real world and Virtual world what 2D and 3D can be done

It's very difficult to break this down in to gender or age as that would be a terribly crude analysis of my target audience. however, all of them definitely love watch TV and film.

The type of people that go out of their way to find places they wouldn't normally see.

people that love 3D
people that love to try something new
people that love to immerse themselves in a fictional world of film

break it down

- Define my area of practice (AOP)
= Pre-production; 3D character design and 3D set building

- Needed skills and developed skills
= sculpture skills, general painting and construction skills for sets, 3D Character modeling practice, life drawing

- Application of knowledge and skills
= 3d Modeling making, character creation and research.

the final presentation
- Define AOP and Specialism
= Pre-production; 3D character design & 3D set building

- Outcomes?

- Reflection and strategies

- Experiments and innovation

- Understanding the target audience
= all type of people

- Research (demographics, age groups, behavior e.t.c)

- Primary and secondary research
= Films, shorts, TV

- Appropriate 3D design principals (visual rhetoric)

- Finish task

- Evidence of participation and responsibility

pre-production for specialist study 1

pre-production for specialist study 1
pre-production for specialist

Learning Cycle

- What skill-sets do I have?
I have some 3d software skills such as, Maya Z-brush and also i can doing 2d stuff as well, like drawing and animating in Flash and using illustrator and photoshop to cooperate with it.

-what other skills i have?
life drawing skills ( not really good at it need to improve). concept design and visualizing ideal.

- What areas do I need to improve on?
I need to improve my negotiation skills and communication skills that will help me doing project in team work, and also maya software skills like render and rigging skills. I'm in the basic level for doing render and rigging stuff . knowledge of Z-brush sculpture skills that willbe help me a lot doing detail of 3d modeling.

In addition, i need to read more film graphic theory books that will help me doing storyboard and animatic stuff.

see the book above that i read at the moment

- Goal setting and strategies

- My strengths?
doing 3d modeling in maya and post-production in after effect

- What do I know
animation principle such as, timing and spacing , pose to pose and slow in and slow out those are very significant animation principle.

- What do I need to know?
i need to know what kind of skills that industry looking for that will help me to improve skills

- How can I take my learning further?
get plan what area i need to focus on and try to find some project to practice as will find what skills i don't have and need to lean about it.

AOD ( area of development)
i want to focus on 3d area as doing commercial stuff for film, TV program or Advertising that's what i need to concentrate on my 3rd year study. In addition, i'm very interesting in create 3d modeling ( such as doing character modeling and environment props setting) also want to explore with it.

here is my showreel:

working on flash

finally we decide to animating in flash because gonna saving a lot of time and dont need to draw frame by frame such as motion tween is a great tool in flash and bone tool

evaluation of my work

i'm very happy work with advert and vis communication students. All of us are working very hard and im very happy with the fianl result. we had great plan in the begining which sepreate each part of work to different that saving us a lot of time. For example, we got 4 animatiors in our group (inconclud me) and one of us doing background, another one doing coloring and rest of others doing reserch to help panters buliding setting. we spend a lot of time doing reserch for the color and characater design due to we can saving a lot of time for the rest of date to producing animation.

waht i have learn from this projet, is how to work in the group and negoneition with group members to solve the problem of our work, such as, we did group meeting each week to check each person work process and any problem need to solve out. also i have learn a lot of flsh skills during im doing my work in flash. For instance, bone tool i have never use it before but now i know how to used it. another important thing i have learn from this work how to orgnise layer togerther to make easy to find what i need.

hope we have more project like this that will be improve our team work skills.

color for room setting

Roxy and Roshni worked on all the camera angles for the storyboard
room concept made by Grace
layout setting
room color and furniture

background color and basic color panel

final setting color

AD film project

story concept in the beginning

concept by Charlotte
The story is how much the tongue can handle the sourness of the candy.

concept by Grace
the ideal is about a little boy tired to make his crying baby brother laugh by making funning faces but all in vain.

concept by Roshni
through the journey of 3 ordinary shapes seeking for happiness and excitement in their lives and how their discovery of 3 fruits helped them attain that and spread the happiness to a gloomy boy

final animatic with audio: