Disney has lots of classic animation characters out there. This is big challenge for me to create new fresh character to Disney. I really wanna create a character very unusual and unique as sense of humor.
The audience target is: 4-14 years old (young children)
character can be human and none-human with strong personality,but i think none-human is better for young children cause most of children love animals and comfortable with.
The aim in this brief is to create new character for children as 4-14 years old.
I decided to make 2D character in Flash with very funny story as all of children would be love and enjoy in it. I wanna my animation character to be none-language character like Tom and Jerry or Coyote & Road Runner as i am aiming character at age group at 4-14 years children.
I have got a good story already is about a crazy rabbit want to get radish so he think lots of crazy ideals, which story ideal from the game called for ' crazy birds'
The next step i need to finish my characters, storyboard and animatic ( will be continue ...... )
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